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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Weather Channel Releases Hilarious Groundhog Day Parody Trailer

Groundhog Day

The Weather Channel is getting action-packed to advertise its Groundhog Day coverage. The cinematic legacy of the holiday known as Groundhog Day is wrapped up almost entirely in one film: the 1993 Bill Murray classic called, yes, Groundhog Day. The film was directed by Harold Ramis and starred Murray as a local TV weatherman Phil Connors, doomed to relive Groundhog Day over and over again in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Groundhog Day was a sizable hit at the time, but has only grown in esteem in the years since, to everyone from critics to Bill Murray acolytes to dorm-room philosophers.

In the years since, of course, no one has attempted another film centered around Groundhog Dog, despite always-false rumors ...

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The post Weather Channel Releases Hilarious Groundhog Day Parody Trailer appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/weather-channel-groundhog-day-trailer/
January 31, 2018 at 04:52AM

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