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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Flash Is In Trouble In ‘True Colors’ Trailer

The CW has released the promo for next week’s The Flash, showing Barry trying to find a way to escape before he is presumably auctioned at a black market as Amunet’s latest piece.

Barry’s life behind bars is by no means getting any easier. After finding an ally, he once again finds himself alone and backed up into a corner. Wolfe found out about his secret identity after surveilling him via prison cameras, but that was in part because of Barry’s inability to resist the temptation of using his super speed skills. With the predicament that he’s in right now, we wonder if it would’ve been a better decision to just come out as the Flash when he was first offered the option before getting his prison sentence.


The promo for next week’s episode of ...

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The post The Flash Is In Trouble In ‘True Colors’ Trailer appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/flash-season-4-episode-13-trailer-amunet/
January 31, 2018 at 03:20AM

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