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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

15 Stars Who Escaped From Cults

It seems like celebrities and cults go together like celebrities and controversy, celebrities and malfeasance, and celebrities escaping prison time despite their malfeasance since they’re celebrities. But let’s focus on cults for a minute.

Everyone knows about the connections Charles Manson had to the Beach Boys and Neil Youn, but there’s still some modern craziness going on. Former actor Andrew Keegan now runs his commune called the Full Circle that specializes in indie music and colon cleansing. Oh, and serving illegal kombucha. Alison Mack, who played Chloe on Smallville, allegedly became the second in command of a cult that extorted and mistreated its members, but the rumors are vague.

Thanks to South Park, we know all about Xenu, Scientology, and ...

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From https://screenrant.com/stars-escaped-cults/
January 30, 2018 at 03:01PM

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