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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

15 Things Wrong With Grey’s Anatomy We All Choose To Ignore

Grey’s Anatomy is in its 14th season and at this point, the surgeons at Grey Sloan feel like family. If you’ve watched the show from the beginning, you’ve gotten a chance to see some of the lead characters (those who’ve avoided termination, transfer, or death) grow from baby doctors to leading members of their field. You’ve also seen them grow from baby people to actual functioning members of reasonably healthy romantic relationships. And along the way, they’ve also become actions stars, surviving any number of natural and human disasters along the way.

Grey’s has always been a brilliantly blown-out representation of the human experience, peppered with some of the  ...

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The post 15 Things Wrong With Grey’s Anatomy We All Choose To Ignore appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/greys-anatomy-problems-everyone-ignores/
January 30, 2018 at 02:01PM

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