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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Cloverfield 3: Every Plot Secret From The Viral Marketing Campaign

Cloverfield 3 ARG

J.J. Abrams may be keeping quiet about Cloverfield 3, but some pretty major story clues can be uncovered thanks to the viral marketing campaign. After years of speculation, a third entry in the sci-fi anthology series is finally coming. Once called God Particle and now expected to be retitled Cloverfield Station, the film is seemingly finally coming with an April 20, 2018 release date (although that could change if rumors of a Netflix purchase are true).

Read More: A Theory About J.J. Abrams’ Shocking Plan For Cloverfield 3

While many are still waiting for a trailer, the marketing has actually already started with the series’ now-classic viral campaign.

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Cloverfield 3: Every Plot Secret From The Viral Marketing Campaign

The post Cloverfield 3: Every Plot Secret From The Viral Marketing Campaign appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/cloverfield-3-viral-marketing-explained/
January 31, 2018 at 09:51AM

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