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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Game of Thrones Actor Supports Bran/Three-Eyed Raven Theory

Game of Thrones season 6 - Bran Stark and Three-Eyed Raven

As HBO’s Game of Thrones slowly winds toward its conclusion in 2019, one of the show’s former stars is predicting a massive Bran Stark twist.

Featuring as one of the few surviving Starks out there in the Seven Kingdoms, Isaac Hempstead-Wright’s floppy-haired tower climber has gone from forgotten cripple to one of the show’s most influential characters. Even with Bran sitting out the entirety of season 5, he returned for season 6 to give us one of the best episodes ever with ‘The Door.’ Not only featuring the tragic demises of Hodor and the Three-Eyed Raven, ‘The Door’ also honed in on Bran’s ability to alter the past (and possibly) the future ...

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The post Game of Thrones Actor Supports Bran/Three-Eyed Raven Theory appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/game-thrones-theory-bran-three-eyed-raven/
January 31, 2018 at 04:15AM

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