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Friday, March 30, 2018

15 Abandoned Marvel Movie/TV Projects That We Never Got To See

True believers are inundated these days with upcoming television and movie projects about their favorite heroes. There’s been a steady growth in the MCU ever since the comic book company started taking control of their intellectual property. After economic calamity caused Marvel to scatter their supers to the Hollywood winds, there’s been a revolving door of projects shaping the genre over the past forty years.

Most of these ill fated development deals struggled with the same problems, even in today’s slick superhero movie making machine. How will the cast carry the concept? Does the story stand-up? Are the special effects working for or against ...

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The post 15 Abandoned Marvel Movie/TV Projects That We Never Got To See appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/marvel-movie-tv-projects-abandoned/
March 30, 2018 at 07:01AM

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