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Friday, March 30, 2018

Sea of Thieves’ First Pirate Legend Didn’t Even Earn It

Sea of Thieves Motley Crew

Sea of Thieves now has its first Pirate Legend, but other players aren’t exactly happy about how this high achievement has been reached. Rare’s pirate-themed title has been drawing players in with its gameplay and colorful world, and although the game has had its fair share of launch issues nonetheless the allure of earning untold treasures has proven rather tempting for gamers.

Part of this comes from the goal of becoming a Pirate Legend. The highest title bestowed on Sea of Thieves players, to become a Pirate Legend would-be Blackbeards have to first reach level 50 with all three of the game’s Trading Companies. From then on, ...

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The post Sea of Thieves’ First Pirate Legend Didn’t Even Earn It appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/sea-thieves-first-pirate-legend-boosting/
March 30, 2018 at 10:36AM

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