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Friday, March 30, 2018

Zak Penn Interview: Ready Player One

Ready Player One Anorak and Keys

Zak Penn is an American screenwriter who is most known for his work in the comic book movie genre. He’s co-written scripts for X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, and wrote the story for The Avengers. Penn is also the co-creator of the Syfy series Alpha. Now he has teamed up with screenwriter and novelist Ernest Cline to co-write Ready Player One. Ready Player One was released in theaters on March 29, 2018.

Screen Rant got a chance to talk with Zak Penn on press day, where we discussed what challenges he was prepared to face in adapting the book to film, what it was like watching Steven Spielberg direct and edit a scene on site, ...

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The post Zak Penn Interview: Ready Player One appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/ready-player-one-zak-penn-interview/
March 30, 2018 at 10:00AM

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