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Friday, March 30, 2018

Uwe Boll is Upset About Dwayne Johnson’s Rampage Movie

Schlock filmmaker Uwe Boll has called on Warner Bros. to rename Dwayne Johnson’s Rampage, claiming the movie infringes on the brand he established with his own film of the same title. Released in 2009, Boll’s Rampage concerns a man building a suit of armor and going on a bloody revenge spree. The director would create two sequels, 2014’s Rampage: Capital Punishment and 2016’s Rampage: President Down. Though Boll has a reputation as the worst director in the world, critics actually gave him some love on Rampage, calling it maybe his only good film.

As anyone can see, Boll’s three Rampage movies have nothing whatsoever in common plot-wise with Dwayne Johnson’s Rampage. Based on ...

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From https://screenrant.com/uwe-boll-dwayne-johnson-rampage/
March 30, 2018 at 01:02PM

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