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Friday, March 30, 2018

Jurassic World 3: Spielberg Confirms Colin Trevorrow As Director

Colin Trevorrow has just been confirmed as the director for Jurassic World 3. The filmmaker called the shots on the first film in the trilogy, which broke box office records upon its release in the summer of 2015. Trevorrow was able to parlay that success into an opportunity to helm Star Wars: Episode IX for Lucasfilm, but was taken off that project last fall due to creative differences with the studio. He has remained involved with the Jurassic franchise while all that was going down, co-writing the script for this summer’s Fallen Kingdom (which is is also an executive producer on).

Though Fallen Kingdom is still months away from release as ...

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The post Jurassic World 3: Spielberg Confirms Colin Trevorrow As Director appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/jurassic-world-3-director-colin-trevorrow/
March 30, 2018 at 08:20AM

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