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Thursday, February 1, 2018

There’s No Such Thing As A Video Game Movie “Curse”

Scott Pilgrim Lara Croft and George from Rampage

We talk endlessly about the “video game curse” but does it really exist? You know the cycle, one that seems to repeat every year; a high-profile movie based on a video game comes along, the stars and critics proclaim it will finally be the one to shatter the old “video game movies suck!” argument – and then winds up being a disappointment.

2016 featured two such efforts – Assassin’s Creed and Warcraft – that promised to jump over that barrier. Both movies were based on wildly popular game franchises and had talented casts and filmmakers behind them. While they both turned a profit, neither fans nor critics were ...

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The post There’s No Such Thing As A Video Game Movie “Curse” appeared first on Screen Rant.

From https://screenrant.com/video-game-movie-curse/
February 01, 2018 at 05:45AM

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